Thursday, March 5, 2015

The Perpetual Witch Hunt

Well once again Officer Darren Wilson has been exonerated for the fatal shooting  for the black thug Michael Brown, but that doesn’t stop the endless witch hunt by the U.S. Justice department led by Eric Holder who has to by a stretch of the imagination made statements to the news that the Police Department in Ferguson are racist in the way they carry out their duties up to and including making accusations that the police department were focused on generating revenue from black residents through fines and fees, rather than protecting the community.
Again one has to look at the actual facts not the ones generated by the one sided liberal left Justice Department, who’s main mission in life is to destroy any resemblance of white rule in America whether it be in a small local community or a large metropolitan area. The real facts can be found in the FBI crime statistics that clearly point out what race commits the most crime in the country, I know you will find this shocking but it Ain’t whitey! The fact that Ferguson Missouri is 67% black alone statistically proves that the Black race is and always has been more prone to committing crimes of both a misdemeanor and of a serious nature.
So it will come to no surprise to those of us who can think for ourselves and were actually educated in the public school system before the liberal socialists took it over to focus on racial and cultural diversity instead of reading, writing, and arithmetic. The figures touted by the Holder stooges in the DOJ are not farfetched and really come as no surprise, he states that From 2012 to 2014, the report found, African-Americans comprised 85 percent of people pulled over for a traffic stop; 90 percent of those given citations; and 93 percent of arrests. Now for those of you who might still be struggling with this lets compare some of these numbers to the National average;
Blacks comprise 13% of the overall population but between 1976 and 2005 were responsible for over 50% of murders in the country, their responsibility for other crimes such as assault, and property crimes also run between two and three times their overall population footprint (26% to 39%)  so the numbers in Ferguson are in reality not extreme nor do they point to any kind of racial profiling instead they point to what most people already know but are afraid to say, simply put the Black race is much more likely to commit crimes and to even suggest that they are being racially profiled is nothing but pure horse dung.
Let’s look at some other lesser known facts that managed to stay out of the mainstream news and use this as a comparison to Ferguson Missouri, the state of Tennessee has an area that is responsible for over 50% of the violent crimes in the state, that would be Shelby County which also incorporates the city of Memphis which makes up about three-quarters of the total population in Shelby County interesting note in comparison is that 65% of the population in Memphis is also Black, see any similarities?
The facts are what they are and all the twisting of the definitions or skewing the facts by the Justice Department will not change anything because in reality it is not a legal issue it is a cultural issue and the increasing rates of black violence and criminal activity over the last 40 years is a historical fact, not bigoted imagination in fact the largest increase in violent black crime is located in the north, not in the south and this did not happen during the times of segregation but during the decades of  the civil rights movement and  the signing of the civil rights act.
The liberal left try and blame this rise of black crime on the supposed racial hostility and social inequality brought on by whites because of their control of city governments but during the time frame black crime increase blacks themselves have been in control of many city governments and also various State and Federal agencies during this time black crime and incarceration rates have spiked in many U.S. cities such as Cleveland, Detroit, Chicago, Philadelphia, Los Angeles, and Washington  all cities that have had Black Mayors, and Police Chiefs and which are now considered some of the most violent cities in America.
As this cycle of racial bias related to legitimate law enforcement activity is perpetrated by the Justice Department police departments will find themselves focusing more on cultural and racial diversity and sensitivity training less on enforcing laws. The pressure will be kept on white officers until they leave the profession for fear of doing their job or are forced to leave by some form of government implemented desegregation of the department brought on by self serving politicians  who are afraid that they do not comply with the recommendations of the DOJ they will not be reelected.
All this will lead to the continued increase in black crime and the resulting white flight that always accompanies these changes leaving behind collapsing city infrastructures due to the loss of the white tax base and the eventual loss of businesses due to tax increases that will be placed on them to make up for the loss.
Like locusts the blacks will then follow the white’s money trail to a new city where they will again demand affirmative action, free education for their children, Section 8 housing, food stamps, and free healthcare along with a welfare check and then the cycle begins again until eventually there is nothing left.
We all knew Darren Wilson was innocent and did his job as a good police officer he did in fact make the streets of Ferguson safer because he removed a Black thug who not only terrorized honest citizens but was a threat to their safety and security.

Enough Said

Have a white day!  

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