Sunday, October 20, 2013

More Black Mob Violence

A new victim of Black Mob attack took place in Philadelphia the city of brotherly love, it was reported that 9 or more “teens” (my money is on that they were all black) stalked, taunted, beat, and kicked the 15 year old white girl and then threw her into the road with traffic. Of course police want to have people to come forward and help them but they will not release the race of the attackers which almost guarantees that they were black.
The News media and government officials including the police go out of their way to conceal the facts related to the massive increase in black on white crime that has been taking place throughout our Nation because if white people actually knew the numbers associated with these vicious attacks they would definitely be taking action to protect themselves and pressuring lawmakers to also take action against the situation. White people have been dumbed down by all the Diversity bull crap and are afraid to speak out for fear of being labeled a racist, I say it is better to be known as a racist and stay alive than to keep quiet and become just another one of their victims, sometimes you just have to call a spade a spade.
This new breed of black thug coupled with the “hip hop” culture that is on the streets today will not just go away, it will become progressively worse until white people wake up and realize exactly what they are dealing with. This new breed of black thug has no respect for anyone or anything, not even for themselves and they know that even if they are caught they will more than likely get out with little or no time served and will land right back out on the street to continue robbing, raping, maiming, killing, and selling drugs to supplement their food stamps and other government provided assistance.
Another case in point is the recent killing of a white man in Jackson Mississippi who was staying at a motel with his wife while competing in a Bass Fishing tournament he went out to see about someone breaking into his boat and was shot and killed by a 17 year old "Trayvon look alike" in a hoodie.
The Jackson Mayor was a one time leader of an organization called “The Republic of New Afrika” (not a spelling error) and sought the creation of an independent black nation out of five southeastern states which has earned high praise from the official newspaper from the Nation of Islam (Louis Farrakhan’s Islamic Organization) for his past actions. I bet we will not be hearing anything out of him about this crime or any other black on white crimes that takes place in this city. But what if the victim would have been armed and killed the black perpetrator? I bet we would have heard about it then, and God help us if the black thug would have had a bag of Skittles in his pocket!
The bottom line is quite simple and clear, the mainstream media is so far left leaning that they will never give any coverage relating to the truth, if you can get any coverage at all. The question then lingers as to why is it important for the news organizations to suppress or not report the truth, what do they have to gain by it? Does it all rotate around money? Not necessarily money from advertising but that could be part of It, or perhaps they have gotten themselves caught up in the whirlpool (cesspool is a better term) that they created by promoting their liberalism, diversity, and false equality picture that they painted for America?
Are they now starting to realize that to speak the truth about what is really happening will not only highlight the failed social experiment that America embarked on years back but it will end their careers and possibly turn them into victims at the hands of the poor misfortunate blacks they helped elevate to positions of power.
Additionally our government from the Federal level down is also afraid of what could happen if the truth ever got out. They know that as a whole white people are more docile and civilized than other races so it is better to let a few of them be sacrificed rather than risk our cities turning into into racial battle zones when white people decide not to be victims anymore and start to take control of their Nation, lives, and culture once again.
What is happening is a serious epidemic affecting all white peoplein the world, and the only thing that will slow it down or prevent it from increasing in the future will be when whites wake up learn the truth and no longer choose to be victims of these heinous crimes perpetrated by bestial black thugs, it will stop when white people start filling up morgue slabs with these criminal elements by legally defending themselves when they are attacked.  People should always remember....

Enough Said!
Have a White Day!


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