Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Mr. No Ethics Rangel Runs His Mouth Again

In an interview with CNN, Charles Rangel made statements about house members calling their actions the same as tactics used by "Confederates" fighting during the Civil War. Rangel used geography to support his claim, that the Southern states which elected theses members represent this parallel.

He Quotes; "You can see it in the streets," Rangel said. "You can see where they're coming from, and the same way they fought as Confederates, they want to bring down the government and reform it."

Well as I have repeated and reminded people on numerous occasions concerning the agenda that the Liberal Democrats have laid out and consistently pull from their socialist playbook to forward their agenda. Once again it is being done by Mr. Charles Rangel from New York, “yes” the Charles Rangel who was censured by the house for failing to pay taxes for a 17 year period, “yes” he obviously thinks that not paying taxes is ok for him, but not ok for the average citizen, besides if we all failed to pay our taxes who would fund the social programs that encompass the blacks and Illegals?
This is also the same Mr. Rangel that has made many derogatory statements about the south and our southern culture including the public claims he has made about the need to “change that culture.”
Over the last 40 plus years Liberal Socialist democrats like Rangel has worked hand in hand with organizations like the NAACP, and black activists such as Jesse Jackson, and Al Sharpton and they have made it a mission to downgrade, slander, and demoralize anyone living in the south while trying to destroy our southern history, heritage, and culture.
Because of this we have an entire generation of people in our Nation today who are products of the diversity driven school systems and who believe that anyone living below the Mason Dixon line are uneducated racist bigots that want to put the Darkies back into the cotton fields and therefore are responsible for preventing Obama from saving the Nation from itself by implementing his hope and change philosophy which is nothing more than controlling the American people through Socialist programs that will eventually erode the rest of our freedoms that are guaranteed to us by our Constitution.
Rangel has once again attempted to push the buttons of this generation of uninformed voters by throwing out trigger words like “Confederacy”, and “Dixiecrats” thus relying on what they have been shoveling to our youth for the last 40 plus years to activate them to rise up and attempt to hamstring any attempts by conservative politicians from preventing the implementation of the Socialist agenda that is their dream.
Well I will tell the American people this, when you look beyond the false teachings provided by people like Rangel and see that the Confederacy was about freedom, they took serious the word freedom even to the point that eleven states banded together to legally create their own Nation based on the Constitution of the United States as it was originally written. They understood that a Federal Government out of control would deny them the ability to govern their states according to the will of the people as was designed by the founding fathers of our Nation.
 So if one was to apply what Rangel is shoveling today about the Confederacy to the current situation facing our Nation he could be compared to the Northern Abolitionists of that time period that were calling for the total destruction of white southerners by any means possible to push their liberal agenda. He would without reservation use any and all power of the Federal Government to eradicate our southern culture, history and freedoms.
All I can say is that the south stood against tyranny once before and I am sure that if it becomes necessary it will stand against it again as it is currently doing politically to prevent the total collapse and destruction of the Nation at the hands of the self appointed Socialist, Muslim, Dictator Obama.  
With that being said is it now maybe a little clearer as to why Rangel wants the 2nd surrender of the Confederacy to happen? Sorry Mr. Rangel but “We will not retreat and we will not surrender.”
 I would also like for everyone who is tired of the relentless and constant attacks on our southern history and culture to remember a quote made by General Nathan Bedford Forrest that would help to turn the tide if people would just become active politically, he quoted “Never stand and take a charge, charge them too.”
If the Confederates continue to take a stand to reform the tyrannical regime that is in place then I say God Bless the Confederacy!

Enough Said.

Have a White Day!   

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