Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Missouri Injustice 101

First we have the Justice brothers Al Charlatan and the Rev, Jesse Jacksnn.. showing up in Ferguson Missouri following the money trail, then Benjamin Crump the infamous Trayvon Martin lawyer who fleeced some money out of a home owners association in Florida has also arrived on the scene to see how much he can pry loose from the city to pad his pockets all in the name of “Justice” of course, wink , wink.
Today Ferguson will see the arrival of more Feds, and Eric Holder who is the picture of total injustice for white people, but one must ask why would he show up today?  Could it be because today is the start of the Grand Jury investigation into the shooting of this black thug and our corrupt Government starting in the distance with Obama wants to be sure they apply as much influence as possible on the Grand Jury to charge the officer involved with some kind of crime for carrying out his public duties and defending himself against a criminal Black thug who was hell bent on injuring or killing him, all in the name of justice of course.
And then we have the great Missouri Governor Jay Nixon announcing on National TV that he wants to see a vigorous “Prosecution”, not investigation, but “Prosecution” of this incident and also mentioned that the State Prosecutor and the U.S. Attorney General now have a job to do. This administration is obviously in bed with the Obama Administration and will do anything to kiss his black self proclaimed royal ass even if it means turning a loyal and dedicated “White” police officer into a sacrificial lamb for no other reason than to save his own political future by appeasing all the criminal Blacks that roam the streets looting, robbing, and burning to obtain their votes in the future.
With every incident such as this in our Nation the Black thugs, and the Race baiting carnival barkers who take to the streets and realize that because the local police are restrained in dealing with their criminal activity they become emboldened and increase it tenfold.  We have all seen across this Nation the alarming increase of Black on White Crime that goes mostly unreported and it is time that white people wake up and realize that though blacks only make up 13% of our population they are responsible for more than half the violent crime in our Nation and when people claim that we are all the same I say look close at the actual differences starting with the lawlessness they take to the streets when they do not get their way, do you see white people doing this?
No you do not because we have been separated from Blacks by many centuries of civilization that hampers their developmental level, and bars social equality with the white race without race mixing which has never been God’s plan as it destroys the white race in its entirety with little improvement in the intelligence level of blacks so speak the truth every time the opportunity presents itself.
In closing  I will say this, if this officer manages to get a fair shake from the Grand Jury however unlikely after the intervention by Governor Nixon and company and no charges are levied be prepared for racially charged social unrest across our land like never before as white people will be victimized by black thugs and once again black on white crime will escalate, so prepare and be aware, we are.

God Bless, and have a White Day!

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