Friday, August 15, 2014

Trayvon Chapter 2

Once again it is proven that all blacks have to do is make enough noise and they get their way such as the case in Ferguson Mo. First blacks riot, loot, and burn, and create havoc in their communities until they get what they want.  After the shooting of Michael Brown the St. Louis police were justified in trying to secure the crime scene and protect the officers identity until all the facts about what happened could be gathered and analyzed to determine if the shooting was justifiable or not, but this was not good enough for the local blacks who want some form of vigilante justice before all the facts were out in the open, instead they turned to their usual activities of opportunistic thievery and used this event as an excuse to steal new 22” rims and tires for their ghetto cruiser.
Then because these situations always result in money changing hands between the city and the victims family regardless if the shooting was justified or not enter the usual subjects of race baiters, and lawyers none other than Rev. Sharpton and Benjamin Crump who make their living on other peoples misery and work hard to empty the city’s coffers of tax payer dollars.
 Then as you would know it the demographics of Ferguson Missouri shows that it is 67% black and the police force in St. Louis County is around  94% white so now the blacks are wanting more black officers and their cries of anguish and despair were heard by the benevolent liberal politicians that run the state so they brought in the black savior Captain of the highway patrol Ron Johnson who set about making things right and since he was black he was well received as he went about hugging the protesters and undermining the local police authority  who will have to deal with the black thugs when the highway patrol leaves and the St. Louis County police will have to possibly layoff some white officers to hire more blacks, or even more likely the local police chief will become the Judas goat and he will be replaced with a black chief of police so the Mayor can save face and his political future either way the blacks will get what they want and white people will pay for it.
Additionally just as an afterthought where do all these people who show up to protest work? Are they allowed to miss work to protest or are they suckling the government’s tit?  As white hard working, law abiding, patriotic Americans you make the call.

Have a white Day!

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