Tuesday, November 12, 2013

White Paper Causes Racism

Just when you think you have seen it all we get these over educated idiots that have been run through the indoctrination camps of some of the highest quality universities in our Nation where diversity rules supreme over actual education and when they get out all they can come up with is that “children in school should not be using white paper because it will cause racism”, seriously? Has anyone ever tried to write in pen or pencil on black paper and then read it? I know lets use white ink on black paper, no better not as that could be misconstrued as being symbolically racist of blacks by whites being on top and using them in some form of new writing slavery campaign.
Additionally since many schools today do not even teach cursive writing anymore does this mean that we will have to use black computer screens and change the font color to white? If so what happens when you try and print something? Does that mean we will only need white ink cartridges in the future and not black? I am not even sure I have ever seen a white cartridge, and if it exists would it be considered as a racist cartridge? Would the company who produced it be subject to some form of technology hate crime? (Wringing hands in anguish!)
What if we used green paper will that make children racist towards plants and cause them to go on rampages burning trees or neighborhood lawns? So what will pink paper cause? How about yellow, purple, orange, or red, hopefully everyone can see the futility and immense stupidity that the very mention of this portrays.
Maybe these overly smart individuals should have taken a few courses in biology and then they would be quick to see that it is a natural thing for any type of animal or mammal to favor and stay within their own particular group or species while still having interaction with other groups and species but not intermixing, and wow would you believe that some species are dominant over others, what a revelation that is! Animals fortunately have the God given ability to make the distinction and we call it instinct. It would appear that these super geniuses that have walked out of the halls of higher learning will do most anything and will grasp at any straw to find ways to destroy the natural order of things as God has ordained and created in the name of political correctness and to forward their erroneous theories.
If this truly is the advice given to us from the “smartest of the smart” then it is not hard to see why our overall education system has fallen behind the rest of the world. Our emphasis on diversity whether it is racial, religious, or sexual is creating a generation of white people who will be nothing but confused and without any identity which will make them easier to control, conquer, and eventually will cause their extinction as a race which in my opinion is part of the overall plan not only by people of color and mixed race but also by the Muslims who work diligently to overthrow our Nation from within by following the same anti discrimination playbook that other minorities have used successfully in the past, sadly they are actually making progress in some areas.
There are however some states that have been proactive and have passed laws to prevent Sharia from being implemented or recognized they are North Carolina, Arizona, Kansas, Louisiana, Oklahoma, South Dakota and Tennessee. It would be sound advice to people in other states that may actually understand the serious cause for concern and start writing and pressing your state legislators to draft similar bills to prevent any form of Sharia law to ever be implemented or recognized by our government or courts.

And as for the white paper thing, get over it, get a life, and leave our children alone!

Enough said

Have a white paper day!

                                                               GOD SAVE US FROM THESE SMART PEOPLE!



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