Sunday, March 2, 2014

The Villainous Heroes of Our Day

Well here we go again, the Providence College Black Studies Program wants to renew an award called the “Trayvon Martin Award” for Social Justice. This award is designed to honor those who have shown leadership and have challenged and worked to eliminate supposed racism.
I am sure I am not alone when I say that it is becoming all to obvious that the blacks in this Nation will stop at nothing to eliminate the white race and will exploit any situation as an opportunity to portray white people, (or in the Zimmerman case Hispanic people) as evil and haters of anyone of color so as to advance their own agenda of domination.
This is accomplished by pushing the racism button bringing on the white guilt syndrome of most white Americans who have been misinformed and have been indoctrinated by years of liberal government teachings and propaganda causing them to run the other direction when the word “racism” gets to uncomfortably close to them.
Let’s face the facts, Trayvon Martin was shown to be a want to be “Gansta” that was behaving in a manner that drew suspicion upon himself and as most young black males of the day also had an attitude of resentment against any authority or against anyone questioning his motives which ultimately lead him to bring on his own demise.
George Zimmerman was found not guilty by a jury of his peers in the death of Trayvon Martin but as is becoming more the norm, blacks including the race baiters like Sharpton and many others are resigned to not accept the verdicts of the courts, instead they go as far as to call for violence in the streets if court decisions do not go their way. 
Such as a recent article written in Salon .com by the liberal black race baiting writer Brittney Cooper, where her words suggested that maybe it is time for blacks to react with violence when the courts do not rule to their satisfaction, it was not a direct threat but it is enough to plant the seeds into the minds of many black thugs like Trayvon Martin.
Besides before and after the Zimmerman verdict violent crimes and murder increased against white people by blacks including the “Knock Out Game” the sad part is the media made a tremendous effort to not report on it because it would expose and highlight the liberal governments failed social experiment of “desegregation”. When people become aware of this and remove the blindfold of what is happening to the white race not only in this country but abroad they will rise to the challenge of making the changes necessary to preserve their race, heritage and history. In the meantime they should rename the “Trayvon Martin Award” to the “Black Gansta Thug Award” which is more historically accurate.

Enough said!

Have a white day!

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