Tuesday, May 6, 2014

The Imperial Kaltrop

At the Imperial Klonvocation during April this year I was given the opportunity to describe what it is a Kaltrop does for the Klan and though I had not prepared a response in advance I did the best I could given the situation at hand when our IW asked me to speak and fortunately with the help of the Imperial Klokard I believe everyone understood some of what I do, but I would like to at least give the written description of what the position requires in its entirety and sadly since July will be the last edition of the South Dakota Kluxer publication get it in print for all subscribers to read.

                                                                             IMPERIAL KALTROP
Speculatively I would define my office as the practice of managing communication between our organization and the public forum. The public relations aspect of it means to provide a controlled exposure to the audience using topics of public interest that are related to our cause. Common activities include working with the media via interviews, crisis communications commonly referred to as (damage control), and social media engagement. In other words addressing situations that arise both popular and unpopular in nature, with the goal being to slow down the onslaught from an unfriendly media and press using effective communication to disarm their untruths and myths about the Klan.

This is accomplished through various means including letters to the editors of newspapers across the country, News web sites, and flyers provided to the public, it requires searching the news for situations that we could have a favorable impact on while moving our agenda forward.

As I previously said in some cases we have made a difference and turned back the tide as was the case in Lee County Florida, but victories are hard won and we have also lost some of the battles like the renaming of Nathan Bedford Forrest High School also in Florida, and the renaming of the Confederate parks in Memphis.

On any given day without looking very hard I can find at least (10) issues that need to be addressed by the Klan ranging from the political landscape to the erasing of southern history and culture, issues of black on white crime, and the removal of Christianity from public view, which is why I rely on other members of the TAK and supporters to stand up when the call comes to send letters, e-mails, and make phone calls when necessary to address these concerns that will have a long reaching impact to our way of life both now and in the future.  

I have been told by some people that I cannot change the situation anyway so why bother, when I hear this I am reminded as to why our Nation is in the shape it is in today, it is because of this attitude that sadly is prevalent in many white people today who seldom care until a situation jumps up and bites them in the ass and then they want to know why the Klan is not doing anything to make a difference which believe it or not was in a recent letter I had received.

My response was lengthy and I concluded the return letter with the following “In closing I will say that yes we know your concerns all to well and we at the TAK are taking action, we have won many battles that you will not see in the mainstream media, but you then ask what we are doing, I then ask you what are you and millions of other white Americans doing, where is your support”?

I have personally learned much from the organizations who want to destroy our race, Christianity, history, and culture mainly the NAACP, SPLC, ADL among others and I have found they are successful not because they have superior intellect or ability, it is only because they know how to use the public forum and are able to enlist countless others of their race to rally to their causes without even questioning why thus forwarding their agenda through the media outlets.

If we as Klansmen and Klanswomen truly want to reverse this trend in our Nation today it will take more than my writings or speeches, it will take “all” of us to do what those that oppose us do, band together in one common cause to write the letters, to send the e-mails, and to make the phone calls, it may also mean that we have to show up in groups for our voices to be heard. Only when our voice is louder than theirs we will be victorious in all our battles so are you ready to make a difference? Are you ready to stand and be heard? Because the time is now to make a difference, to get involved and to do more than pay lip service to our cause because our time is running out and I personally for one will not go quietly into the night, what say ye?

Enough said,

Have a White Day!


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