Wednesday, August 28, 2013

WWII Veteran Murders Himself and makes Victims Out Of Local Black Thugs!

OK America let me get this straight, when we are attacked by bestial black thugs who have no issue with killing white people while they rob you we are supposed to just take it and not fight back. REALLY? That is what the Police of Spokane Washington have said regarding the brutal beating and heinous murder of Delbert Benton. The Police Chief Frank Straub made the statement at a press conference on Monday,  he said “our information is that the individual fought back and that may have made this, you know, a worse situation” WHAT AN ASS!…..
I cannot believe that they are implying that if this man had just let them beat him a little and gave up his money he would be alive today…. They are finally saying that the victim was responsible for his own murder, that obviously the worthless black thugs bear no responsibility because their victim fought back. They are also saying race had nothing to do with it which is more BS, let’s see do we beat up and kill an old black guy or the old white guy? Looks like the white guy won the toss so guess what that makes it a racial thing. What kind of idiots do they take us for? With the sharp rise in violent black on white crime especially since the Trayboon verdict. It would also appear that we do not need a police force anymore, all we need are city clerks to show up after the fact and fill out the paperwork like this is some new normal we just have to adjust too.   
I cannot speak for others but we have reached a new low point in our Nation when the victims of these crimes are blamed for their making it happen while the perpetrators of these horrific crimes are viewed an portrayed as the poor pitiful misguided black child who didn’t get the new snoop dog CD for Christmas, so while he was searching for a white guy to rob and release his frustrations over the matter whitey fought back and caused this poor child to kill him and become a murderer..Damn white people ! My recommendations are simple if you live in an area that is predominately black move out, if like many Americans you are too strapped financially to do that and you happen to live in a state that allows concealed carry, obtain a gun legally, take the class on how to use it, and obtain a CC permit. If your state doesn’t allow CC, then get politically active and try to make change in your Government so you can protect yourself, because it is obvious the police cannot and who wants to be blamed for their own murder!

All for now!

Have a White Day!

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